Wednesday, March 4, 2015

There isn't any professional woman's lacrosse team, besides the united states team. This means after college I enter the real world, and playing the game I love ends. Personally I think its awesome that pro athletes get payed to do what they love, and the amount they get payed is just icing on the cake. If I ever had the chance to play lacrosse professionally and get payed to do it, I would. Its something I have been doing all my life and have worked extremely hard to get where I am. The amount of time and money people put in to become great athletes, in a way all the time and effort that was put in is being payed back to them in professional leagues. I do agree though sometimes the amount they get payed is extreme, but wouldn't want all that money, I know I would. I do agree with Jack that baseball and basketball should educate their players about how to handle money. Its an important life lesson to have and after sports end, the real life kicks in hard and doesn't care if you were an important athlete or not.


  1. Great thoughts Hana. I must admit that you are absolutely correct in what you said about the athletes. I lost sight of the fact of how hard most of these worked to get where they are at, and I have the nerve to call myself a student athlete. They are indeed reaping the rewards of pushing their bodies to the limit and working harder than hundreds of thousands of other individuals who would love to be in their same shoes. This is competition at its finest, and how capitalism should work. The very thought of going out to get what you think your worth by following your dreams is as American as the great state of Alabama, apple pie, and roasting dolphins over an open flame. Thank you for reminding us all of this, as even a patriot such as myself needs a reality check every once in a while.

  2. I agree completely. The amount of work one must put in, in order to become a professional athlete is staggering. That is even without the consideration of the work they continue to put in once they are professional athletes in order to remain among the elite. It is a continues process that never ends until you retire from the game. The amount of work they HAVE to put it is absurd. They cannot slack off or they will lose their place and their job. There is no way for them to hide it either, it will show on the field. So we must consider that continuous amounts of work professional athletes put in to stay elite. Also, educating professional athletes about their money is a great idea. A lot of athletes, whether out of the good of their hearts or to help their image, like to make charity foundations or donate a lot of money. This can continue after they retire if they have the money to do so, but if they go bankrupt they run out of money to give. Also its just unfortunate to see someone who put in so much work throughout their life end up back at the bottom like that. That's not something anyone wants.

  3. I wonder if after the profusion of niche television shows, there will be a future for more niche sports? Perhaps we just need the first all lacrosse channel first?
